FOOD quick freezing equipment SD-1500 kg per hour
1.the freezing time is about five minutes to 30 minutes. cause this rapid cooling way produce smaller ice crystals, reduce the damage of the cell structure, improve the quality of the food.
2.improve productivity------ lower food dehydration and dry loss, improve texture, color and flavor of frozen food.
3. Liquid nitrogen is so far the word's most environmental protection and the most economic frozen and cooling medium. some customer told me they can't use the compressor freezer again after 2014 in Europe. so it is a trend that the liquid nitrogen instead of compressor freezer.
introduce the concept of HACCP hygiene and safety, all stainless steel internal structure and the envelope full account of the ease of cleaning, maintenance, management, ease of operation, fully able to meet food hygiene and safety requirements for equipment. reasonable inspection gallery and s for easy maintenance and internal cleaning.
using cream or electrochemical hydration cream (optional) to ensure the liquid nitrogen spray system clean to avoid bacterial growth.
box device with a high-temperature sterilization temperatures up to +121 ℃, to ensure kill bacteria adequately.